Sara Goldrick-Rab Says Poor Students Often Dip into Student Loans to Cover the Rising Cost Living

February 23, 2016

Sara Goldrick-Rab Says Poor Students Often Dip into Their Student Loans to Cover the Rising Cost of Living

Matt Hora says UW–Madison Board of Regents Should Be Held Accountable To Do Their Job

February 19, 2016

Matt Hora says the UW–Madison Board of Regents should hold themselves accountable for their decisions and public statements regarding policies that affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of students, staff and faculty

Eric Knuth and Others Find Middle School Students Still Struggle to Understand the Equal Sign

February 19, 2016

Eric Knuth and Others Find Middle School Students Still Struggle to Understand the Equal Sign

Mark Connolly: Overworked, Underpaid TAs Can Be Detrimental to Class Quality

February 16, 2016

Mark Connolly, Principal Investigator of the NSF-funded Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars, quoted in the GW Hatchet

WIDA Celebrates 10 years at WCER

February 15, 2016

A history of WIDA as it celebrates its 10th anniversary at WCER

WCER launches evaluation collaborative to help educational organizations in Wisconsin

February 12, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Need a good program evaluator? WCER has launched the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC), a network of experienced evaluators from UW-Madison’s School of Education ready to jump in and help preK-12 education partners.

WCER’s Connolly Invited to Join National Academies Committee on STEM Education

February 11, 2016

Mark Connolly, an associate research scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) in UW-Madison’s School of Education, has been invited to serve on a National Academies of Sciences committee charged with developing indicators of quality in undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

WCER Director Named 2016 Wisconsin Academy Fellow

February 4, 2016

Robert Mathieu, director of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, is one of 11 Wisconsin Academy Fellows for 2016

Erica Halverson Appointed Associate Editor for Journal of the Learning Sciences

January 28, 2016

WCER researcher and UW–Madison educator Erica Halverson appointed associate editor for Journal of the Learning Sciences

Re-‘Making’ the World of Education: A Learning Revolution

January 21, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Pancake-making robots. A mechanical horse. A life-sized mousetrap. No, these aren’t highlights from the latest episode of “Shark Tank.” They are real-life inventions of a burgeoning community of artists, do-it-yourselfers and entrepreneurs known as “makers” — pioneering tinkerers and problem-solvers who are inspiring some educators to bring more hands-on learning into the classroom.

Mentoring beyond borders

December 18, 2015

Chris Pfund talks about supplementing traditional mentoring with career coaching for graduate students (AAAS Science, 18 Dec.)

Critics say WI going backward on achievement gap

December 17, 2015

State Sen. Luther Olsen cites WCER project reports about the importance of high quality professional development and the state’s SAGE program (, 17 Dec.)

Some students thrive despite nation’s worst statewide racial achievement gap

December 16, 2015

Bradley Carl says he has yet to find any program “that has moved the needle on (the achievement gap)” in a big way (, 16 Dec.)

Critics: State going backward on achievement gap

December 16, 2015

Eric Grodsky says just putting a student in a school with more-advantaged students won’t solve all the student’s problems (Post Crescent, 16 Dec.)

$2.1 Million Grant Will Help Gifted, Low-Income Middle School Students

December 15, 2015

“Supporting Smart Spaces,” a project of the Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth (WCATY) and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, has been awarded a $2.1 million grant by the Jacob K. Javits Program through the U.S. Department of Education.