WCER Researcher Argues For A Nuanced Approach To Workforce Training

August 30, 2016

Matthew Hora, a scientist with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, focuses on the concept of a "skills gap" and how it influences the growing political arguments about the value of liberal-arts education and vocational job training.

Hora Discusses WI Skills Gap Findings on Wisconsin Public Television

August 29, 2016

New research looks into how Wisconsin is investing into job training. Matthew Hora is an researcher for the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and led this project. He talk about what the skills gap is and how the state could be doing better.

Bradley Carl to Speak at Achievement Gap Panel

August 16, 2016

WCER researcher Bradley Carl will participate in a Capital Times panel discussion on early learning and school achievement gaps between white students and students of color.

Enabling Effective Mentorship

August 8, 2016

Christine Pfund interview featured in ASBMB Today's Special Section on Education

The Effect of Testing on Chinese Education and Parenting

July 27, 2016

Matt Hora, WCER research scientist, is featured in Education Week article on The Effect of Testing on Chinese Education and Parenting, July 27, 2016.

Beth Graue Discusses Mindfulness Training, Class Size and More

July 25, 2016

Beth Graue is professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she chairs the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Here she talks about mindfulness training for pre-service teachers, class size policy, kindergarten readiness, and research-based mathematics instruction.

LEAD Center’s Nicole Bowman-Farrell Presenting at NIEA 2016

July 13, 2016

Nicole Bowman-Farrell, Researcher & Evaluator in the LEAD Center, is presenting two sessions at the National Indian Education Association's Conference in October.

Rethinking the Skills Gap: Teaching 21st-Century Skills to Meet Workforce Demand

July 5, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Teaching 21st-century skills to meet workforce demand

2016 CESA Conference: Achieving Excellence for All Keynote Address

June 30, 2016

Keynote address by Katherine Cramer, Professor of Political Science, Director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service, UW–Madison

LEAD Center’s Kate McCleary on Feminist Epistemologies

June 21, 2016

Kate McCleary shares feminist epistemologies in relation to feminist evaluation.

How MSAN Superintendents Help Close Gaps

June 21, 2016

MSAN, the Minority Student Achievement Network, featured in article by S. David Brazer and Robert Smith

Motion Meets Emotion: Unique Dance Program Empowers Underserved Girls

June 13, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

In 2011, with a $1,500 grant from what is now Dane Arts, the two women started a pilot dance program for middle schoolers at Kennedy Heights Community Center, pioneering the combination of dance education and dance/movement therapy—with G-rated versions of popular music and a little hip hop thrown in, too, which is a real “hook” for students.

Jerlando Jackson Cited as Calling New Brown Plan “Bold”

June 6, 2016

Brown University Making Bold Bid to Assure Diversity and Inclusion

Teaching Prep for STEM Ph.Ds. Improves Teaching Methods, May Increase Prospects for Faculty Hire

May 23, 2016

New Study Finds Teaching Preparation for STEM Doctoral Students Boosts Use of Effective Teaching Methods and May Increase Prospects for Faculty Hire

Wisconsin Stands Out For Preschool Access

May 20, 2016

State's Hands-Off Approach Could Mean Uneven Program Quality