Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“What Makes a Youth-produced Film Good? The Youth Audience Perspective,” Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Damiana Gibbons, Shelby Copeland, Alon Andrews, Belen Hernando Llorens and Michelle B. Bass, Learning, Media and Technology, 2014.
“Moving Beyond ‘Good/Bad’ Student Accountability Measures: Multiple Perspectives of Accountability,” Colleen A. Capper, Madeline M. Hafner, Maureen W. Keyes, Journal of School Leadership, 2014
“Interpreting Community College Effects in the Presence of Heterogeneity and Complex Counterfactuals,” Jennie E. Brand, Fabian T. Pfeffer and Sara Goldrick-Rab, Sociological Science, 2014.
“On Second Chances and Stratification: How Sociologists Think About Community Colleges,” Lauren Schudde and Sara Goldrick-Rab, Community College Review, 2014.
“Expert Explorations with Crafted Projections,” Michael Gleicher, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014.
“High Genetic Diversity and Adaptive Potential of Two Simian Hemmorragic Fever Viruses in a Wild Primate Population,” Adam L. Bailey, Michael Lauck, Andrea Weiler, Samuel D. Sibley, Jorge M. Dinis, Zachary Bergman, Chase W. Nelson, Michael Correll, Michael Gleicher ... David H. O'Connor, PloS One, 2014.
“Ensemble Processing of Color and Shape: Beyond Mean Judgements,” Danielle Albers, Michael Correll, Michael Gleicher, Steven Franconeri, Journal of Vision, 2014.
“Visualizing Validation of Protein Surface Classifiers,” A. Sarikaya, A., D. Albers, J. Mitchell and M. Gleicher, Computer Graphics Forum, 2014.
“Using a Commodity High-definition Television for Collaborative Structural Biology,” R. Yennamalli, R. Arangarasan, A. Bryden, M. Gleicher and G.N. Phillips Jr., Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2014.
“Manually Locating Physical and Virtual Reality Objects,” Karen B. Chen, Ryan A. Kimmel, Aaron Bartholomew, Kevin Ponto, Michael L. Gleicher and Robert G. Radwin, Human Factors: The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2014.
“N-ary Implicit Blends with Topology Control,” C. Zannia, Michael Gleicher and M.P. Cania, Computers and Graphics, 2014.
“Error Bars Considered Harmful: Exploring Alternate Encodings for Mean and Error,” Michael Correll and Michael Lee Gleicher
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014.
“Sustainability in Science Education? How the Next Generation Science Standards Approach Sustainability, and Why It Matters,” Noah Weeth Feinstein and Kathryn L. Kirchgasler, Science Education, 2014.
“Six Principles for Quantitative Reasoning and Modeling,” Eric Weber, Amy Ellis, Torrey Kulow and Zekiye Ozgur, Mathematics Teacher, 2014.
“Salient Predictors of School Dropout among Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities,” Bonnie Doren, Christopher Murray and Jeff M. Gau, Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 2014.
“Alicia Rodriguez and How Money Matters in Academic Learning,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Global Education Review, 2014.
“Layered Identities and Being Gabby: A Five-Year Longitudinal Case Study,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2014.
“Creating a Pipeline for African American Computing Science Faculty: An Innovative Faculty/Research Mentoring Program Model,” LaVar Charleston, Juan Gilbert and Jerlando Jackson, The Journal of Faculty Development, 2014.
“Intersectionality and STEM: The Role of Race and Gender in the Academic Pursuits of African American Women in STEM,” LaVar J. Charleston, Ryan P. Adserias, Nicole M. Lang and Jerlando F.L. Jackson, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 2014.
“The Use of Regional Data Collection to Inform University Led Innitiatives: The Case of a STEM Education SWOT Analysis,” LaVar J. Charleston, Jerlando F.L. Jackson and Juan E. Gilbert, Journal of STEM Education, 2014.