‘Excessive Video Gaming’ in Draft as a Mental Health Condition

January 2, 2018

The World Health Organization included "excessive video gaming" in its draft of the 2018 International Classification of Diseases.

Madison Pre-K Benefits Student Behavior And Literacy

January 2, 2018

Students enrolled in Madison's pre-K program showed improvements in literacy and behavioral skills compared to similar students not enrolled in the program, according to a recently published study.

Year-end Message Urges Educators to Speak Truth to the World

December 21, 2017

In an internal year-end message, Wisconsin Center for Education Research Director Bob Mathieu urged faculty, researchers and staff to share their knowledge widely.

Berland and Colleagues Awarded $409K for Formative Assessments in Computer Science

December 20, 2017

The project will design, develop and study formative assessments to help students and teachers understand how, what, and why they are learning in computer science.

Kendall and Colleagues Awarded $49.6K from Spencer Foundation

December 20, 2017

The project will map the relationship between climate change and education in Ghana and Malawi.

MMSD 4K Students Demonstrate Stronger Literacy,  Behavior Skills Among District Kindergartners

December 19, 2017

One of the most promising ways to eliminate social, economic and racial gaps in educational achievement is to stop them before they happen. A recent Madison Education Partnership (MEP) report shows the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) may be doing just that through its four-year-old kindergarten (4K) program.

Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education

December 14, 2017

Mark Connolly, Principal Investigator of the NSF-funded Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars, is a committee member of the Board on Science and Education at The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Committee recently released this report.

Claudia Persico Featured on NPR’s Marketplace

December 12, 2017

Claudia Persico, an assistant professor of ELPA and a WCER researcher, was interviewed and contributed to an NPR Marketplace news story.

Disciplining Bilingual Education in the Post-Civil Rights Era

December 7, 2017

Dr. Flores' research seeks to denaturalize the raciolinguistic ideologies that inform current conceptualizations of language education. This entails both historical analysis of the origins of current raciolinguistic ideologies and how current education policies and practices reproduce them. His current work in this area theorizes academic language as a raciolinguistic ideology. Dr. Flores’s primary objective in this work is to illustrate the ways in which the concept of academic language marginalizes language-minoritized students and to develop alternative conceptualizations of language that resist this marginalization.

Against the Prison Pipeline: Laboring for Love, Toward Justice, with Joy

December 6, 2017

Crystal Laura's research focuses on the social and academic wellbeing of Black children in the "school-to-prison pipeline." In this talk, she summarized key contributors to the school-to-prison pipeline and how educators can intervene.care.

A Panel Discussion about Careers in Academia

November 15, 2017

Faculty in the School of Education discussed careers in academia. A brief presentation and panel discussion described searching for jobs, participating in on-campus interviews, and negotiating job offers.

Attention and Learning in Young Children

November 15, 2017

Anna Fisher’s talk focused on the development of attention regulation during the preschool period, and its importance for learning when children begin formal schooling.

Matthew Hora, Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions

October 31, 2017

Matthew Hora is a research scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and an assistant professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In his role as director of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions he talks here about producing research that has a direct translation to the world of practice.

Project to Produce Roadmap for Teaching Elementary Grades Algebra

October 29, 2017

Study will produce a prototype Grades K-2 instructional sequence, related assessments and characterizations of progressions in students' thinking

Iowa State University Selects Jerlando Jackson for Alumni Achievement Award

October 25, 2017

Iowa State University’s College of Human Sciences has selected Jerlando F. L. Jackson, professor of higher education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, for its 2017 Alumni Achievement Award.