Researchers Using Video Face Options and Challenges
June 10, 2010
Video technology is transforming research in the learning sciences.
Adam Gamoran in the Voice of San Diego
June 7, 2010
Adam Gamoran comments on the effects of tracking students (Voice of San Diego, 7 June)
Measuring Effects of a Pre-College Engineering Curriculum
June 1, 2010
A new Working Paper by Mitchell Nathan and colleagues illustrates how propensity score matching (PSM) can provide a robust estimate of a program treatment effect on student learning outcomes.
Bob Mathieu in NatureNews
May 26, 2010
CIRTL's Bob Mathieu says NSF's broader-impacts criterion "makes scientists think more explicitly about how their work is connected to enhancing benefits to society" (NatureNews, 26 May)
Working Paper Details Successes of STEM Collaboration
May 24, 2010
A new working paper presents findings on the effects of WCER’s SCALE project—System-Wide Change for All Learners and Educators.
Assessing English Language Learners in Secondary Schools
May 17, 2010
WCER’s FLARE project helps secondary school teachers measure the progress of English Language Learners in academic classes.
ITP Fellow Wins Best Graduate Student Paper Award
May 10, 2010
At last week’s annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association ITP Fellow Anna Haskins received the Sociology of Education Special Interest Group's "Best Graduate Student Paper" award.
Surveys of Learning Reveal Strengths, Weaknesses
May 10, 2010
Over the past two decades, large-scale surveys have generated a wealth of generalizable evidence on instruction. But until recently, this vast body of research has not been summarized systematically.
Measuring Effects of Social Capital
May 3, 2010
Children’s social capital rests on the trust and shared expectations embedded in their networks of friends, parents, and teachers.
Adam Gamaron in Education Week
April 28, 2010
Adam Gamaron comments on aspects of the study that emphasize the importance of good teachers (Education Week, 28 April).
Facilitating Student Learning in Engineering
April 24, 2010
A new paper by Gina Svarovsky presents an ethnographic study of an engineering practicum.
Learning About Value-Added
April 19, 2010
WCER's Value-Added Research Center (VARC) offers tutorials to help get you up to speed in value-added assessment.
April 13, 2010
Arizona's Paradise Valley district hopes MSAN will help close minority student achievement gap (, 13 April).
Summer Academies for ELL Educators
April 13, 2010
WIDA will host 3 summer academies for teachers and trainers of teachers of ELLs.
Using Teacher Performance Assessments For Human Capital Management
April 10, 2010
What aspects of teaching most influence student learning? What specific local strategies most improve student achievement?