ITP | Right-Sizing Research: A Pipeline Approach for Secondary Writing, Teaching and Learning
September 25, 2020, 12-1:30 pm VIRTUAL PRESENTATION
Megan Shoji & Oriana Eversole
Researcher, Mathematica; Director of Research and Program Evaluation, MMSD
Oriana Eversole (Discussant), Director of Research andProgram Evaluation, Madison Metropolitan School District
Right-Sizing Research to Make an Impact: A Pipeline Approach to Evidence-Building to Inform Solutions for Secondary Writing, Teaching and Learning
On Friday, September 25th, we will be joined by ITP alum Megan Shoji, Researcher at Mathematica. Megan has gained command over an impressive array of methodological tools and has deployed those tools in the service of several important questions in educational research on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequality. She has focused much of her work in the areas of early childhood, K–12 education, and family support. Megan has thought deeply and carefully about program evaluation and is quickly becoming an expert in the field. She will share some of her insights with us in her talk. We will also have the benefit of two discussants for this presentation—Oriana Eversole, Director of Research for the Madison Metropolitan School District, and Annalee Good, co-director of the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative.
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You will receive information on how to join the virtual session prior to the lecture.
The Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences (ITP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is one of a network of pre-doctoral training programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. The ITP is preparing a new generation of outstanding education science scholars by training them in methods of causal inference in the social sciences, engaging them in a weekly seminar and supporting their translational research through a variety of internship opportunities.